Wednesday, August 15, 2012

36 hours of vacation

We made it to London!

Everyone was very sleepy yesterday.  We got up Monday morning, went to CAK airport, the Charlotte airport, the Gatwick airport.  MHZ slept more than the rest of us on the plane, but still not much.  I don't know if Jeff even tried to sleep.  We took a taxi to the flat in Wallington, and walked to the grocery store.  Then we took the train and Tube to Trafalgar Square.
MHZ has a snack in Trafalgar Square

On our bus trip, we saw lots of FAMOUS LONDON SIGHTS. And notice the fabulous weather.
Houses of Parliament

Narrow streets

The London Eye


And more FAMOUS LONDON SIGHTS when we transferred to the boat!
The Globe Theater

Skyline of London

Finally, we took the train back out to Wallington and had dinner in a pub.  My mom has a photo of us sleeping on the train!

We made it to a normal bedtime before we collapsed.  It was quite an accomplishment.

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